Saturday 2 November 2013

Va-t'en grand monstre vert! by Ed Emberley

This is a great book for teaching parts of the body and colours in French. A fierce looking monster gradually appears and then disappears until he is not so scary after all. The vocabulary is simple and the meaning of the book is clear even to the littlest learners!

The picture below could be used as a listening exercise where pupils colour as the book is read aloud, or else they could choose their own colours and write about their picture or describe it orally.
Here is a simple version of the presentation that can be used for oral work practising parts of the face and colours.

Grand monstre from Bonnie Rafferty

Click here for an excellent teaching sequence from Hiltingbury French

As part of the topic, pupils could design their own monsters, perhaps revising 2D shapes at the same time, or make their own monster from the book.

Click here for some Taskmagic exercises based on the book

Practise the parts of the body featured in the book by singing Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes in French.

Click here for some exercises based on the book designed for French Maternelle pupils

This song all about friendly monsters works really well with the book.

Click to view the book on Amazon

Click to see some more French monster books

Look at my Grand Monstre Vert page on Pinterest for more inspiration and ideas.